مدينه Hail

Hail is a Saudi city and the administrative and regional capital of the Hail region. It is famous for its two famous mountains, Mount Salma and Mount Aja. Hail is located in the Aja Mountain region, west of Wadi Al-Adaira, in the heart of which lies the Samah well, famous for its abundant and sweet water, and the city extends in the form of an arc around Mount Samra, bordered on the east by Wadi Al-Malih, known as Shuaib Al-Malihia, and bordered on the north and west by Aja Mountain. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Hail was the center of the Emirate of Al-Jabal, which was ruled by the Al-Ali family, followed by the Al-Rashid family, and its influence at the time of its strength extended to most parts of Najd and some neighboring regions until it was overthrown by Abdul Aziz Al Saud in 1921 Hail is one of the most important geographical locations in the region, and comes at the forefront of the region's cities in terms of being the center of commercial movement, and the hub of transportation and transportation movement, and Hail is an urban city that is not administratively followed by any villages, and there is a regional secretariat that provides services to the city and supervises other sub-municipalities in the region.

افضل الفنادق الفاخره

ابحث عن افضل الفنادق

مشاهدة المزيد من الفنادق
عن المدينة

Hail is a Saudi city and the administrative and regional capital of the Hail region. It is famous for its two famous mountains, Mount Salma and Mount Aja. Hail is located in the Aja Mountain region, west of Wadi Al-Adaira, in the heart of which lies the Samah well, famous for its abundant and sweet water, and the city extends in the form of an arc around Mount Samra, bordered on the east by Wadi Al-Malih, known as Shuaib Al-Malihia, and bordered on the north and west by Aja Mountain. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Hail was the center of the Emirate of Al-Jabal, which was ruled by the Al-Ali family, followed by the Al-Rashid family, and its influence at the time of its strength extended to most parts of Najd and some neighboring regions until it was overthrown by Abdul Aziz Al Saud in 1921 Hail is one of the most important geographical locations in the region, and comes at the forefront of the region's cities in terms of being the center of commercial movement, and the hub of transportation and transportation movement, and Hail is an urban city that is not administratively followed by any villages, and there is a regional secretariat that provides services to the city and supervises other sub-municipalities in the region.

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